All Saltfleetby residents (and their carers) are invited to a FREE dinner once a month at the Old School. A flyer has been delivered to every home in the village with details of how to register. To keep costs down your place must be booked in advance. The event takes place on the third Monday of the month. Funding for the free meals has been kindly provided from Angus Energy (who operate the gas terminal near the village) and East Lindsey District Council "Social Isolation Small Grant Fund". People attending are also welcome to leave a donation towards costs, which is completely optional.
SOSH aim to bring the community together to enjoy a meal in a warm space, especially important during a cost of living crisis, and in a village with many elderly residents who may feel isolated. We can also help provide a lift for anyone having problems getting there.
A main course, with a vegetarian option, is served, followed by a pudding. It's all freshly home-made by a small group of enthusiastic, talented local cooks who volunteer their time for free. Tea, coffee and biscuits are also available. After the meal you can stay to relax in the adjacent room to chat, play cards, board games, read books, knit etc in a cosy, warm, friendly atmosphere.
More volunteers are always welcome!
To book or learn more, contact John Facer on mobile 07761 214219, email:
Or Donna:
Or Monika: